(404) 669-6119
Justice for You
People who are injured in DeKalb County as a result of someone else’s negligence should consult a local personal injury attorney to discuss their chances of receiving compensation for the harm they suffered. Through a personal injury claim, they can seek compensation for their medical bills, lost wages, the pain and suffering caused by the injury, and more. While monetary compensation can never truly erase the effects of a severe injury, it can certainly help improve the injured victim’s quality of life.
Negligence occurs in a wide variety of contexts—such as the negligence of an automobile driver who hits another driver or a pedestrian; the negligence of a property owner who doesn’t maintain his property in a reasonably safe condition; or the negligence of a dog owner whose animal injures a child. If a person fails to act as a reasonable person would have done under the same circumstances, his or her actions would be considered negligent.
When the negligence is that of a health care provider, it is known as medical malpractice. Medical malpractice occurs when a health care professional provides substandard care that causes harm to a patient. Misdiagnoses, surgical errors, and various other errors in the detection or treatment of injuries and illnesses are all types of medical malpractice.
In addition, injured victims can seek compensation when they were harmed by a defective product. In such cases, the plaintiff (i.e. the person bringing the claim) would pursue compensation from the manufacturer or suppliers of that product.
If you suffered an injury in Lithonia or elsewhere in DeKalb County and are considering filing a claim for compensation, please contact the HASAN CLAXTON, LLC as soon as possible.