(404) 669-6119
Hasan Claxton, LLC knows that the best way to address our clients’ legal issues, is to understand their needs. Your case is important to us — read on to learn about our areas of expertise.

For many people, a job is much more than a source of income: it is a way of defining oneself, of interacting with others, of making a difference in the world. Recognizing the crucial role of work, many laws and regulations now protect the rights of workers and employees. Federal laws, such as the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act apply to Georgia workers.
People who are injured as a result of someone else’s negligence should consult a local personal injury attorney to discuss their chances of receiving compensation for the harm they suffered. Through a personal injury claim, they can seek compensation for their medical bills, lost wages, the pain and suffering caused by the injury, and more. While monetary compensation can never truly erase the effects of a severe injury, it can certainly help improve the injured victim’s quality of life.

Unfortunately, most people’s experience in dealing with the probate court comes at a difficult transitional period in life.It can be difficult to make important decisions in the face of stress, anxiety, or grieving the loss of a loved one. Hasan & Claxton, LLC can help alleviate some of the stress and anxiety by assisting you in dealing with your probate issue in a sensitive manner that will be suited to your particular needs.